Thursday, December 5, 2019
Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss the Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative and Quantitative research Methodologies identifying the Major Characteristics of both Methodologies. Answer: Introduction: Quantitative and qualitative methods are the significant part of any research study. It allows the study to accumulate required information about the research topic in an appropriate manner. Qualitative research reflects a process of gaining deeper understanding about the research topic. On the other hand, quantitative research focuses on capturing number regarding the relevant aspect of the research topic (Bernard and Bernard 2012). Researcher selects between qualitative and quantitative approach based on the objective and topic of the research. Traditionally, qualitative research focuses on broad topic covering huge area. Conversely, quantitative research allows narrowing down the research topic towards specific direction. Both qualitative and quantitative research approach has its own strengths and weaknesses. For that reason, selection of research process is extremely critical to fulfill all the requirements of a research topic comprehensively. Many research studies have also use d both the research methods for completing all the requirements of the research topic. This essay will discuss qualitative and quantitative research methodology concepts in an in-depth manner. It will provide a clear understanding regarding the way qualitative and quantitative methods create positive impact on the outcome. It will also clarify the differences between qualitative and quantitative research technique by highlighting all the characteristics clearly. Discussion: Quantitative study requires utilizing effective development of decisions regarding the type of samples or case it will have to select for completing research goals and objectives in an efficient manner. It helps the study to include data that can be expressed in terms of numeric forms. Traditionally, quantitative methods refer to the use of standardize questionnaires that covers all aspect of the research topic. It allows the research study to translate all the collected data about the research topic into numeric number. However, researcher needs to be extremely careful at the time of developing questionnaires about the research topic. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to fulfill all the research objectives in an effective manner (Lampard and Pole 2015). In case of quantitative method, the prime focus is provided on the developing questionnaires with closed end questions so that the responses from the respondents can be transformed into the numeric numbers. Moreover, appropriate u se of sampling technique is also required for fulfilling the objectives of the research topic. Now, quantitative method allows researcher the opportunity to use both non-probability and probability sampling technique for capturing data about the research topic. Therefore, the selection of sampling technique in quantitative method heavily depends on the nature of the research topic. In case of quantitative method, majority of the time researcher focuses on utilizing large size sample for identifying the trend about the research outcome comprehensively (Creswell 2013). Quantitative methods allow the research study to establish correlation between outcomes and given variables. It also provides the opportunity identifying trends about the research topic in a comprehensive manner. For that reason, it helps the study to validate original findings of the research study in a comprehensive manner. On the other hand, qualitative methods starts with a reflection or self-assessment about themselves as established in a social historical context. Qualitative methods do not focus on narrow downing the research on specific areas. Rather it considers the theoretical philosophical paradigm in an inquisitive open-ended framework. It refers to a specific range of data collection and analysis technique with the use of purposive sampling, semi-structured, and open-ended questionnaires (Wisdom et al. 2012). Inclusion of open-ended questionnaire or semi-structured questionnaire will help the research study to cover all aspect of the research topic in a comprehensive manner. Similar to the quantitative methods, qualitative study also focuses on development of new concept as well as help to establish new theories relevant to the research outcomes. Qualitative methods provide respondents the opportunity to express their knowledge, thoughts and believe about the research topic in an effective ma nner. For that reason, it induces research studies to focus on broad area at the same time. In addition, as the qualitative data does not depend on the numeric values, it helps the research studies to provide different perspectives of the outcome (Berger 2015). However, qualitative research methods often require comparatively more time for fulfilling the research outcomes. It also requires more time and support from the respondents for capturing in-depth views and perspectives about the research topic. Therefore, researcher has to focus on different aspect at the time of selecting any specific research methods for fulfilling all the research aims and objectives. As per the article by Davies and Hughes (2014) four types of quantitative research design including descriptive design, quasi-experimental, correlation and experimental are available that studies can utilize for fulfilling all the requirements in an effective manner. Descriptive design focuses on describing the status of a phenomenon or variable. Descriptive design helps the research study in developing appropriate hypothesis relevant to the research topic. Now, hypothesis development allows the study to create a proper direction in fulfilling all the requirements in an appropriate manner. Correlation design helps the research study to explore relationship between different variables associated with the research topic. It allows the quantitative study to identify the probable impact a particular factor can have on the overall process of the topic (McNabb 2015). This design allows the research study to estimate the exact amount of impact a change in particular factor will have on over all outcome of the research study. On the other hand, quasi-experimental design focuses on identifying the cause effect of a relationship between two variables. Therefore, it helps the quantitative study to identify the independent and dependent factors related to the research study in an effective manner. It also allows the study to evaluate more than two factors simultaneously, which eventually add value to the overall outcome of the study. As illustrated by Mertens (2014) effective understanding of independent and dependent factors help the study to create a systematic procedure for the successful completion of the study with the given time period. Finally, experimental design focuses on establishing the relationship between groups of variables related to the research topic. For that reason, experimental design also viewed as the extension of quasi-experimental design. The availability of different quantitative design allows the researcher to select best possible technique for fu lfilling all the aims and objectives of the research topic. On the other hand, Morgan (2013) have illustrated five types of qualitative research methods including ethnography, narrative, phenomenological, grounded theory and case study analysis that can help any study to cover all aspect of the research topic. However, all the categories of qualitative research methods use more or less similar data collection technique that includes interviews, observation and reviewing technique. Still, the use of different types of qualitative methods allows the study to use different types of usability test. Ethnography research is arguably the most acceptable and familiar type of qualitative research method. The root of ethnography is from cultural anthropology where researchers engross themselves within a specific culture. It allows the researchers to consider themselves as participant observer. Narrative approach focuses on assessing the sequences of specific events. It induces researchers to conduct interviews, include summary of different documents so that it can add value to the overall outcome of the study (Hartas 2015). Narrative approach is best suited for developing a specific persona using mix methods of in-depth interviews with individuals and segmentation analysis from surveys. Phenomenological design focuses on describing a specific phenomenon or incident based on interviews, video, and documents. In this design, researcher heavily depends on the information shared by the respondents. For that reason, it encourages respondents to provide insight of their thoughts, beliefs and perspective regarding the topic of the research. Unlike other qualitative methods, phenomenological study does not start with a well-developed hypothesis. In fact, it focuses on developing analyzing different themes for validating the findings from the data collection procedure (Ragin 2014). Grounded theory focuses on providing in-depth explanation regarding the occurrence of a particular event. It induces researchers to focus on axial coding and series of open techniques for the identification of appropriate theme related to the research study. Finally, case study analysis of qualitative methods focuses on analyzing a specific case study to fulfill the initial aims and objectives of a particular research outcome. Case study analysis focuses on evaluating all the factors associated with the selected case in a comprehensive manner (Punch 2013). For that reason, case study analysis focuses on developing in-depth interviews with the selected respondents in order to cover all areas of the research study. As described by Smith (2015) the best research methods between quantitative and qualitative is debatable, as different literature has highlighted different positive and negative aspect of using both the methods. Quantitative methods provide the opportunity to use numbers or statistics to cover all aspect of the research aims and objectives. It helps quantitative methods to include statistical tools like mean, median and mode for analyzing the captured information accurately. It has also helped to introduce techniques SPSS for achieving all aims and objectives of the research study comprehensively. For that reason, many studies have recommended quantitative research methods for fulfilling all the aims and objectives of the research study. On the contrary, Ritchie et al. (2013) have mentioned that quantitative research methods heavily depends on numbers and does not include human beliefs and perception about the research study. Therefore, it often fails to illustrate actual condition o f research topic in an appropriate manner. Still, inclusion of numbers has allowed quantitative study to utilize different statistical tools and techniques for analyzing the collected data about the research topic. On the hand, inclusion of qualitative methods does not allow to introduce any statistical tools within the research that might create adverse impact on the way entire activities associated with the research methods are performed within the research framework. However, inclusion of statistical tools and technique also increases the probability of error calculation that can have major impact on the overall outcome of the study. As per the article by Venkatesh, Brown and Bala (2013) qualitative data collection technique heavily depends on the selected respondents. For that reason, it induces researchers to remain extremely careful at the time of selecting any particular sample for the research study. Therefore, it increases the time required for performing all the activities associated with the research procedure for fulfilling all the aims and objectives associated with the research topic in an effective manner. On the other hand, random sampling or probability sampling often is used in the quantitative methods. Therefore, it does not require too much time for selecting a particular sample size for the collection of quantitative data. As per the article by Allwood (2012), effective use of quantitative research methods allows the study to have specific outcome about the research topic. Therefore, it allows the study to remain focused towards fulfilling all the aims and objectives associated with the research topic. On the other hand, qualitative research methods primarily focus on achieving vast outcome about the research topic. It often misdirects the researcher towards wrong path that can have affect on the overall outcome of the study. For instance, proper recording of the information provided by the respondents at the time of in-depth interview process is also extremely critical. Otherwise, it would definitely create adverse impact on the successful fulfillment of the research procedures. On the other hand, online survey or survey with closed-end questionnaires helps the research study to record all the provided data by the respondents comprehensively. Conclusion: The above illustration has highlighted the fact that both qualitative and quantitative research methods have positive and negative aspect. Therefore, researchers will have to perform utilize both the research methodologies in such way so that it can create maximum positive impact on the successful completion of the study. However, the above illustration has highlighted that no such clear advantage or disadvantage, any particular research methods have above each other. For that reason, research methods will have to be selected based on the research topic. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to fulfill all the requirements associated with the research topic comprehensively. References: Allwood, C.M., 2012. The distinction between qualitative and quantitative research methods is problematic.Quality Quantity,46(5), pp.1417-1429. Berger, A.A., 2015.Media and communication research methods: An introduction to qualitative and quantitative approaches. Sage Publications. Bernard, H.R. and Bernard, H.R., 2012.Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Sage. Creswell, J.W., 2013.Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications. Davies, M.B. and Hughes, N., 2014.Doing a successful research project: Using qualitative or quantitative methods. Palgrave Macmillan. Hartas, D. ed., 2015.Educational research and inquiry: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Bloomsbury Publishing. 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Venkatesh, V., Brown, S.A. and Bala, H., 2013. Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems.MIS quarterly,37(1), pp.21-54. Wisdom, J.P., Cavaleri, M.A., Onwuegbuzie, A.J. and Green, C.A., 2012. Methodological reporting in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods health services research articles.Health services research,47(2), pp.721-745.
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